Sunday, March 8, 2009

Part 1 : Rise, James the King. what the fish?

One fine day in college, i saw James Ho walking along the corridor of Audi 1. He saw a girl named Mabel, He told her lame jokes, Mabel wasn't amused by him. He made a second attempt,

He was thinking to himself: "sure can one, don’t worry" .
He took of his long pants. He wasn’t wearing any underwear . but Mabel went like "Eh James where is it?” . "sure got one, don't worry". and further more
James said :" if u think n look carefully, actually really got no..u listen to me listen 1st...really got 1...u look carefully n or not??" .

Mabel open her eye big-big . "still cant see la James" . and James clenched his teeth in concentration. Mabel suddenly cried, "Oh, a bug!" Mabel said "so cute la!!" and took out her pepper spray and she sprayed on the "bug" the bug is then PISSED the bug shrinks and hides . It made no different visually. James smiled with a proud face and he stick out his last finger and said.. what the fish? he was shocked to see that the little bug is his pussy he then understands why She couldn’t see the Invincible.

So he faced Mabel and looked at her with his puppy eyes and said “FEEL MAGH POWERRRRR NGEK NGEK" James:'ARRE U WITH MMMEEEH?" *head banging up n down* *eyes big* James: " YEH , YEH, YEh,YEH"

a little disappointed, James waved goodbye to Mabel and walk towards the foyer and saw a girl name Wai Yin who said You damn bitchy la

James:"of course I am,i got pussy,what do u expect" Then a penguin fell down And Chuck Norris came to save it but Chuck Norris failed to Save it? because James was so lame That even Chuck Norris was feeling cold after listening to his jokes. then ChurckNorris went into hypothermia then Ivan came into the picture Ivan hugged Chuck Norris to warm him up like a blanket and cuddled Chuck Norris to bed Ivan then got out of the picture by saying a lame joke but then he realize, its not lame and Chuck demanded for James meanwhile, ivan got out of the picture and got in again but then got killed by Mabel for making her James the end.

Little did they knew that the end was just the-beginning just like rise of the lycans :) so the lycans came and started biting Ivan and he died. Then came a bunch of homovampires they revived ivan and make Ivan the king as ever lasting homoness runs in his veins. and he started posing like a pervert then the earth shook, and split into half and james said "wat the fish??" "Ivan, rise thee from the earth." and ivan was awaken and revived once again.

So the whole process was repeated again and Ivan,His majesty rules again! which then foo said :ei bring the story back to joon ming la...this is JFC..not IFC *okok*ivan and joon ming fought. which one of them fainted the fainted one was ivan , edgar took advantage of ivan he touched his *tut* it felt like a james joke as the body was so cold james found his own kind.. and realize that he's dead. and now he's alive again~ they became best friend and then they got married but then Ivan died F-O-R-E-V-E-R. and revived with superpowers that can suicide immediately instantly permanently!

but then chuck norris took the powers away from him and turn ivan into a bisexual and killed him off immediately. coz he wanted Ivan to be the soul mate James prayed that Ivan Will always be with him but to no avail, failed. so James went and challenged chuck norris to a duel and fought for 7 days 7 nights!

It turned out that the winner was obviously norris himself. but James was still stubborn and went "sure can one" God showed mercy on James, he was back in corridors of Audi 1. he realize he was just daydreaming all this while. and so he took Ivan into his arms touching Ivan’s lips with his own and the cowboy gay sex started. they walk along the corridor but James tripped, and Ivan fell down, and broke his neck, and died. *Ivan very sick* *snaps finger* focus on the story darling. not your thoughts. James then cut Ivan into pieces.. so James took out his fork and spoon and started eating Ivan’s remaining. to his surprise by eating Ivan’s corpse, he was pregnant. and Ivan was the baby...

* to be continued*

Friday, March 6, 2009

Edmunds Birthday

We started the day with manhattan fish market. It was fun to have our dear ee leen and her bf , kaysim and andrea with us today.

we certainly enjoyed the fish and chip there heh, and some platter there and here. But what was amazing was the mango cake. Edmund enjoyed it like a little kid, having cream all over his lips.

kay sim didnt want the cake because it was pantang to eat cake this year, people who eat cake will become "small gas" , i wonder if its true? gheheh! we all ate the cake !

We chatted alot of stuff, and i performed some kind of palmistry which revealed the darkest secret of winston, he had an extra line which no one ever have!! Such a discovery is very rare. Heh, what a cute boy.

After lunch, Andrea left and i missed her flower pin lol. it was blue. lol.

anyways, we went for movies, it was Role Model. Its a damn funny show and someday we'll just try to play LAIRE? for the sake of kidding ourself.

We missed some of our very friends such as Nicholas, Rebecca, Seh Yung, Jon lee, Malcolm,mabel, Kiwen, Yiwen,chun hoe and tze han and many more who couldnt make it today.

It will certainly be much more exciting if everyone were there!

After that we went for a game or two in rock cafe, the excitement of challenging each other will never grow bore for Spartans like us. we are warriors RAWR!

We then went for dinner at Murni, i ordered a cheese nan which i coulnt finish, how weak. sob sob

We talked about Our president which is our star. the one we're so proud and honored to. He's our King. Everyone was around, it was great. Marcus with his new baby - The PSP, andrea and his bf's new hair cut, Edmund with his cool new shirt. Tyng with his signature appetite grin, lam yew with his lam yew face -.-? , ivan with his hyper active, and ying ling that is quite a random. wai yin with her vulnerable-but-not-so-weak attitude. and phil with his own cuteness.jun xiong wit his funny remarks, ming ting wit her lols and kaysim wit his own uncoolness-which-makes-him-cool, hong khai the original COOLness, bryan wit his cigg, yuen heng wit his funny jokes, chay joon wit his cute direct words lol, and zai xi wit his sarcasm, and winston with his self depressing quotes. "dont laa " , hock wee the friendly joker and rick the cool one =D and ofcourse our very unique FOO who spill unpredictable words lolx!

did i forget anyone? it was hella of blast
we certainly miss those who isnt there.

and we hope to see them next time

in memory of saturday march 06. @ Murni
gosh we're not dead =D